Kitty Denied offers some tips and brainstorming for those who want to push their kneeling endurance in comfort

Kneeling is a pretty standard position for a submissive and while it’s not a stressful position by default, if left kneeling for too long, even the most eager of sluts is going to get stiff, sore and just generally stop having fun. I recently had a little playtime kneeling mishap that injured my ankle/foot so I wanted to share what happened to cause my injury and tell you guys about some of the solutions that we came up with. I think it's hot to have my needs ignored, and I fully expect to do some suffering as a sub, but unintended pain that interferes with play isn’t fun for anyone.

So, here’s  what happened..  There’s been quite a bit of prison play in my life lately due to the cuff wraps making handcuffs and leg irons nicer to me. I can finally explore my prison girl fantasies in an authentic way with all the right gear, and not get hurt from them. I can easily spend hours in my leg irons and I love wearing them even when not actively having prison slut time.  They make me soooo happy!

As you can probably imagine, there's a tremendous amount of cock sucking that goes on in the particular slut prison I get sent to, hehehe. This means that the time spent kneeling is extensive, mandatory, and it’s heaven on earth to me. Until recently, kneeling in shackles for longer than a few minutes at a time wouldn't have been an option because the metal is just too hard on me, but the cuff wraps make them so comfortable that the day I hurt myself I happily spent tons of time kneeling with my full body weight on my legs while shackled. I can't account for the exact amount of time I was kneeling because I was deep in subspace and having the time of my life, but I can tell you for sure that I wasn’t in any pain other than some much needed shock collar shocks. 

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So, once the play was over and I was all back to my normal self, I noticed that the top part of my foot had some numbness that started about 3 inches above the point where the leg irons sat on my ankle and extended 3 inches below. It felt like how your cheek feels when you go to the dentist and get a novacaine shot. I didn’t have any trouble with moving my ankle, there wasn’t any swelling, or bruising, and there wasn't any pain.. I just irritated a nerve pretty good. After about 3 months since it happened the issue improved dramatically, however there was still a tiny bit of numbness.  This is to be expected because nerve things tend to take a long time to heal. This went away on its own, but it was a good lesson that kneeling with all your body weight on leg irons for too long is going to take a toll on your body.  Shackles need to be respected even when worn with cuff wraps, (and they were even put on over my prison scrubs for extra padding.. I’m sure I had socks on too. I swear sometimes I’m a fragile porcelain mouse, heheh ). 

I had a similar injury to my wrist from handcuffs a few years back (before cuff wraps were invented). I was having a little too much fun struggling against the handcuffs and was too deep in subspace to notice I was doing  damage. The heel of the my hand was numb for a few months but it’s completely healed now (again- that kind of nerve irritation seems to take awhile to heal). The cuff wraps have stopped this from ever happening again, so I can struggle all I want in handcuffs without any problems.

For the record- Injuries are a rare occurrence for me because Sir is super observant and he knows me very well. He can tell when I’m suffering a little more than intended, and he always works breaks into the scene that give me a chance to switch positions without stopping everything and announcing,“ok break time!” (which would be a bummer). It’s easy to have me stand up and lead me around on a leash for a bit to get blood flowing to my legs and stretch them out without having to stop any fun. He’s also smart enough to know that subspace can make a liar out of subs and there's a good chance that if he checks in with me unless I’m dying I’m gonna say I’m fine because I don't want the fun to stop. I just wanted to be clear that there were plenty of little breaks and check ins during the scene and I just simply didn’t notice anything was wrong until much later. These things happen sometimes, and it’s really nobody’s fault. Not to mention I had so much fun that day that it was worth it, hehe.

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My numb foot has prompted some investigation into what can be done to prevent this from happening in the future - because I love slut prison, and I love wearing all my gear and spending lots of time on my knees and being used.. The most obvious answer is - Don’t kneel with leg irons on, but I kinda love them and having them on is a big part of the fun for me so that’s not a solution in my book. 

In my particular situation the goal is to get the weight off the ankles so we started looking into possible solutions. As an item I had laying around, my Sybian came with a little padded stool that is about 12.5" W x 9.75" H x 9.25" D outter dimensions and 9.75" W x 7.25" H inner leg zone. Turns out, my shackles fit under it perfectly, it keeps me at the right height for a good suck session, it takes all the weight off my ankles, and the padded seat is pretty comfortable to sit on. It totally works for now, but there are some things I would change about it if I was having one custom made.  Unfortunately it does not appear the Sybian stool/rest is publicly offered as a stand alone item, but Motor Bunny offers a variant that appears very similar

I’m not very tall, (5’3-ish”) so my first thought was to lower the stool a teeny bit because it feels like I’m only sitting on the edge, and that can actually get a little uncomfortable after awhile. Like sitting on a toilet seat and playing Candy Crush until your legs go to sleep. My only concern with a lower seat is having enough clearance for the shackles.  Alternately, I would keep the stool at the same height it is right now but have it angled just slightly. Like one of those “kneeling chairs” (but not angled down so much it feels like I’m sliding off)

As for the actual seat, I would keep it padded, but I would make it a little bit wider. 

If I had a magic wand, it would be helpful if the seat height was adjustable (in case you’re lucky enough to have a couple sluts that aren’t the same height), and being able to fold it up would be nice so you can take your show on the road. 

Since basically a tiny stool seemed like it would be a good solution I did some additional research and I found that a “meditation stool” is something that might be an option. This is a rather simple one, but shows the design well. They even offer different height versions

They’re low to the ground, have a seat wide enough for a butt, and a lot of them are padded, and they look like they have enough clearance under them to accommodate bulky shackles and cuff wraps as well as the chain (But I haven’t done any actual measuring to confirm this yet) The meditation stools also tend to have that angle to the seat that I was wanting. The Spoko, and the Ikuko are a couple more examples of meditation stools. 

Another option is a “prayer bench.” It’s basically the same thing as a meditations bench, but they seem a little more generous with the padding.

If I’m not wearing shackles I don’t have any issues kneeling for as long as it’s needed.. I rarely even get stiff anymore, but back in the day when I first met Sir I was about about 90lbs heavier and was a powerlifter. I had difficulty kneeling (for long periods of time) for a lot of different reasons, but mostly because my muscles were constantly sore or injured from lifting, my flexibility was terrible, and I think just being a bigger person made kneeling harder on the joints in general. I remember my quads being on fire and my knee caps hurting after only a little while kneeling (on carpet), and I used to have to take breaks a lot sooner than I wanted to. I’ve found that an easy solution to this type of discomfort is to kneel on a pillow, and then putting another pillow between your butt and the top of your legs. Takes some of the pressure off and it definitely helps extend how long you’re able to kneel. 

If a pilow isn't the right kind of support you need for a sore kneecap you can try a good assortment of alternate pads, some including:
Keywords: Gardening Pad
Keywords: Kneeling Pad
Keywords: Yoga Kneeling Pad
Keywords: Anti-Fatigue Mat:

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At this point, all of the meditation and prayer benches we’ve found are surprisingly expensive and all of them are lacking at least one feature we want (example: it’s padded, but the seat isn’t angled, or it has all the features, but there’s not enough clearance for shackles, etc). So, Sir is currently looking into some custom options. I suppose if you're going to spend a lot of money anyway, you may as well get it done right.. Not to mention, getting the best suck out of a comfortable-ish slut is really high on his to-do list. If he knows the slut is comfortable while kneeling he doesn’t have to worry about anything except paying attention to the porn he’s watching and maybe pressing the shock collar button to correct lazy sucks. The slut can focus entirely on sucking, and everyone wins! So, hopefully he can get a custom one made and there will be an update at some point. Until then, I hope these ideas were helpful or maybe they sparked some imaginations out there!

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